
Display Network media agency, and E-commerce.

popIn Discovery

A general term of article recommendation system designed for news media websites, and user read rate analyzing system.

● 內容推薦系統:通過對文章內容點擊人氣度SNS上的話題熱度個人的閱讀興趣文章的公開時間等的解析來自動生成針對每個用戶的推薦文章展示。
Content-based recommendation system:Taking article contents, clicks, topic popularity on SNS, personal preference, and reveal time of articles into analysis, and automatically generate article recommendation targeting every user.

● 在推薦文章展示中投放和文章相同式樣且有Sponsored標示的原生廣告。
Present the native Ads with the same design as the article and with the mark Sponsoredin the article recommendation section.

